November 14–28, 2024

European Union Film Festival 2024

An entertaining celebration of the diversity, creativity, and accomplishments of contemporary European filmmaking.”

Shawn Conner, Vancouver Sun

Europe without the jet lag!

Sample the latest in Europe’s cinematic achievements at the annual European Union Film Festival, celebrating its 27th edition at The Cinematheque this fall. Proudly presented in partnership with the Canadian Film Institute (Ottawa) and the European Union Film Festival – Toronto, along with the member states of the European Union and the Delegation of the European Union to Canada, this year’s festival features in-theatre offerings from all 27 EU members. A selection of films will also be available to rent online at euf​fon​line​.ca following the conclusion of our in-person festival.

Since the 2022 escalation of war in Ukraine, EUFF has concluded with a fundraiser screening organized in partnership with the Embassy of Ukraine to Canada. Proceeds from this year’s film, the crowdsourced documentary The Hardest Hour, will benefit the Ukraine Harmony Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about Ukraine both in Canada and globally.

Be it your first or, heck, 27th EUFF, this eclectic showcase of contemporary European cinema promises a movie or two (or many) suited to your personal cinephilic palate. Enjoy.

Film notes written by Tom McSorley


For assistance in making Vancouver’s European Union Film Festival possible, The Cinematheque is grateful to Diodora Bucur, press officer, Delegation of the European Union to Canada (Ottawa); Tom McSorley, executive director, Canadian Film Institute (Ottawa); Jérémie Abessira, executive director, European Union Film Festival – Toronto; and the embassies and consulates of all European Union member states.

EUFF2024 logolock

Upcoming Screenings

  • Some Birds 6
  • Some Birds
  • Valami madarak
  • Hungary2023
  • Dániel Hevér
  • 93 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Hundred Sundays 1
  • A Hundred Sundays
  • Cento domeniche
  • Italy2023
  • Antonio Albanese
  • 94 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Bolero 3
  • Boléro
  • France/Belgium2024
  • Anne Fontaine
  • 120 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Light Light Light 1
  • Light Light Light
  • Valoa valoa valoa
  • Finland2023
  • Inari Niemi
  • 91 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Un Amor 1
  • Un amor
  • Spain2023
  • Isabel Coixet
  • 129 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • My Dad Is A Sausage 1
  • My Dad Is a Sausage
  • Mijn vader is een saucisse
  • Belgium/Netherlands2021
  • Anouk Fortunier
  • 80 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Fathers And Sons 1
  • Fathers & Sons
  • Vaders & Zonen
  • Netherlands2022
  • Jörgen Scholtens
  • 80 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Rowing Across The Atlantic 1
  • Rowing Across the Atlantic
  • Irklais per Atlanta
  • Lithuania/Latvia/USA/Spain2024
  • Aurimas Valujavičius
  • 100 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Scarborn 1
  • Scarborn
  • Kos
  • Poland2023
  • Paweł Maślona
  • 120 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Dodo 1
  • Dodo
  • Greece/France/Belgium2022
  • Panos H. Koutras
  • 132 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Blue Flower 1
  • A Blue Flower
  • Plavi cvijet
  • Croatia/Serbia2021
  • Zrinko Ogresta
  • 85 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Million Minutes 1
  • A Million Minutes
  • Eine Million Minuten
  • Germany2024
  • Christopher Doll
  • 125 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Cats Of Malta 1
  • Cats of Malta
  • Malta2023
  • Sarah Jayne
  • 68 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Hilma 1
  • Hilma
  • Sweden2022
  • Lasse Hallström
  • 120 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Freedom 1
  • Freedom
  • Libertate
  • Romania/Hungary2023
  • Tudor Giurgiu
  • 109 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Invisible Fight 1
  • The Invisible Fight
  • Nähtamatu võitlus
  • Estonia/Greece/Latvia/Finland2023
  • Rainer Sarnet
  • 115 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Verdigris 1
  • Verdigris
  • Ireland2023
  • Patricia Kelly
  • 95 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Family Therapy 1
  • Family Therapy
  • Slovenia/Italy/Norway/Croatia/Serbia2024
  • Sonja Prosenc
  • 122 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Icarus And The Minotaur 1
  • Icarus and the Minotaur
  • Icare
  • Luxembourg/France/Belgium2022
  • Carlo Vogele
  • 76 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Hygge 1
  • Hygge!
  • Denmark/Iceland2023
  • Dagur Kári
  • 100 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Salgueiro Maia 1
  • Salgueiro Maia: The Implicated
  • Salgueiro Maia – O Implicado
  • Portugal2022
  • Sérgio Graciano
  • 115 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Mermaids Dont Cry 2
  • Mermaids Don’t Cry
  • Austria2022
  • Franziska Pflaum
  • 92 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Postcard From Rome 1
  • A Postcard from Rome
  • Pastkarte no Romas
  • Latvia2024
  • Elza Gauja
  • 88 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Because I Love Bad Weather 1
  • Because I Love Bad Weather
  • Защото обичам лошото време
  • Bulgaria2024
  • Yana Lekarska
  • 100 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Anna Is Missing 1
  • #annaismissing
  • Czech Republic/Slovakia2023
  • Pavel Soukup
  • 108 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Never Say Never 1
  • Never Say Never
  • Nikdy neříkej nikdy
  • Slovakia/Czech Republic2023
  • Braňo Mišík
  • 104 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Dog 5
  • .dog
  • Cyprus/Greece2021
  • Yianna Americanou
  • 97 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024
  • Hardest Hour 1
  • The Hardest Hour
  • Довга доба
  • Ukraine2024
  • Alan Badoev
  • 122 DCP
  • NR
  • EUFF 2024

List of Programmed Films

Date Film Title Director(s) Year Country
2024-Nov Some Birds Dániel Hevér 2023 Hungary
2024-Nov A Hundred Sundays Antonio Albanese 2023 Italy
2024-Nov Boléro Anne Fontaine 2024 France . . .
2024-Nov Light Light Light Inari Niemi 2023 Finland
2024-Nov Un amor Isabel Coixet 2023 Spain
2024-Nov My Dad Is a Sausage Anouk Fortunier 2021 Belgium . . .
2024-Nov Fathers & Sons Jörgen Scholtens 2022 Netherlands
2024-Nov Rowing Across the Atlantic Aurimas Valujavičius 2024 Lithuania . . .
2024-Nov Scarborn Paweł Maślona 2023 Poland
2024-Nov Dodo Panos H. Koutras 2022 Greece . . .
2024-Nov A Blue Flower Zrinko Ogresta 2021 Croatia . . .
2024-Nov A Million Minutes Christopher Doll 2024 Germany
2024-Nov Cats of Malta Sarah Jayne 2023 Malta
2024-Nov Hilma Lasse Hallström 2022 Sweden
2024-Nov Freedom Tudor Giurgiu 2023 Romania . . .
2024-Nov The Invisible Fight Rainer Sarnet 2023 Estonia . . .
2024-Nov Verdigris Patricia Kelly 2023 Ireland
2024-Nov Family Therapy Sonja Prosenc 2024 Slovenia . . .
2024-Nov Icarus and the Minotaur Carlo Vogele 2022 Luxembourg . . .
2024-Nov Hygge! Dagur Kári 2023 Denmark . . .
2024-Nov Salgueiro Maia: The Implicated Sérgio Graciano 2022 Portugal
2024-Nov Mermaids Don’t Cry Franziska Pflaum 2022 Austria
2024-Nov A Postcard from Rome Elza Gauja 2024 Latvia
2024-Nov Because I Love Bad Weather Yana Lekarska 2024 Bulgaria
2024-Nov #annaismissing Pavel Soukup 2023 Czech Republic . . .
2024-Nov Never Say Never Braňo Mišík 2023 Slovakia . . .
2024-Nov .dog Yianna Americanou 2021 Cyprus . . .
2024-Nov The Hardest Hour Alan Badoev 2024 Ukraine

Tickets to in-person screenings do not include access to online EUFF offerings, nor vice versa. See for further details on the virtual festival.