European Union Film Festival 2024
Screening Dates
  • November 24, 2024 6:00

A funny skewering of conflict-shy Danes.”

Alexander Barfred Bajer, Filmmagasinet Ekko

Hygge is a Danish term for the idea of creating joy and contentment in one’s everyday life. This comedy from director Dagur Kári (Nói albinói) revolves around that concept in both humorous and revealing ways. When a group of seven friends gather for an extravagant dinner at a summer cottage, things start out harmoniously enough. For fun, they start a party game where everyone must share something from their phones, private or otherwise. Before too long, things spill out that threaten to ruin what they are there for, the most important thing of all: the hygge.” Beneath the happy surface of this group of friends, time bombs of secrets and intrigues lurk, and, as the evening progresses, the picture-perfect facade cracks. Amusing and incisive, Hygge! offers still more evidence in favour of just turning those infernal mobile phones off.

In Danish with English subtitles

December 1 (Sunday) through
December 15 (Sunday)

To stream this film:
Follow this link to the virtual platform.
Purchase a ticket for $12 (plus tax) or purchase a multi-film pass (details below). 

Once rented, you will have until December 15 to start the film. After the film is started, you will have 72 hours to finish watching it.

If you are having technical issues with the stream, please click here.
You can also contact EUFF directly by emailing info@​euffonline.​ca.

This film is available to stream in Canada only. 

Five Virtual Film Bundle: $50 (plus tax)
Online Festival Pass: $100 (plus tax) 

Please note: Tickets to in-person screenings do not include access to online EUFF offerings, nor vice versa.
