Our Stories to Tell

In anticipation of National Child Day on November 20, Our Stories to Tell presents this program of three stop-motion animation shorts imparting teachings for the heart (noḵe’), family (wahkohtowin), and community (t̲s̲‘iyanne). Məca, co-directed by Ryan Haché and Ritchie Hemphill (Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw), tells the Nakwax’daxw legend of the mink with narration by late elder Ida Smith. Wapos Bay: They Dance at Night, by Dennis Jackson (Cree), explores what happens to family and community when tradition goes unhonoured. Spirit Bear: Fishing for Knowledge, Catching Dreams is Métis director Amanda Strong’s adaptation of the Cindy Blackstock book of the same name, which teaches about traditional knowledge, the history of the residential school system, and today’s First Nations schools. Experience the evolution of Indigenous stop-motion for youth, filled with teachings that everyone can enjoy!

Canada 2022
Ryan Haché, Ritchie Hemphill
8 min. DCP
In Bak̓wa̱mk̓ala with English subtitles

Wapos Bay: They Dance at Night
Canada 2006
Dennis Jackson
24 min. DCP

Spirit Bear: Fishing for Knowledge, Catching Dreams
Canada 2022
Amanda Strong
22 min. DCP


Upcoming in this Series

  • Train Station 2
  • Lyana Patrick: People of the Land
  • 84
  • NR
  • Our Stories to Tell
  • Wapos Bay 1
  • Teachings for the noḵe', wahkohtowin, and t̲s̲'iyanne
  • 54
  • NR
  • Our Stories to Tell
  • Road Forward 1
  • The Road Forward
  • Canada2017
  • Marie Clements
  • 101 DCP
  • NR
  • Our Stories to Tell