DIM Cinema
Screening Dates
  • January 24, 2018 7:30

Greaves saw this as a metaphor for politics: how absurd do the rules have to be before people revolt against them? … The symbiopsychotaxiplasm is a writhing mass of conflicts, identifications, actors, audiences, as heterogeneous and chaotic as Central Park itself.”

Shonni Enelow, Method Acting and Its Discontents

In this groundbreaking experimental documentary, director William Greaves sets a trap for his cast and crew, who have gathered in Central Park ostensibly to shoot the break-up scenario of a fictional drama called Over the Cliff. Unbeknownst to them, Greaves, a student and teacher of method acting (or psycho-drama), is waiting to see how long it will take for them to rebel against his seemingly incompetent direction and poorly-written script.