DIM Cinema
Screening Dates
  • November 8, 2017 9:00

Programmed by Allison Collins

The program contemplates what it means to be both in and of’ a place while interrogating nationalisms and the lasting effects of Western imperialism. America’s checkered past of influence in Southeast Asia forms the backdrop in Torres’s latest film, People Power Bombshell, as the catalyzing force for a fictional account of Vietnamese refugees fleeing to the Philippines.

preceded by

USA 2013
Miko Revereza
8 min. DCP

As prelude to the feature, a short work by Miko Revereza, an emerging voice in Filipino-American filmmaking, has been selected as a contemplative inscription of direct commentary, and an awareness of how national identity traverses literal borders.


People Power Bombshell is presented by DIM Cinema as part of a double-bill evening made up of Philippines-made feature works. Shireen Seno’s Big Boy screens in the first half of the program.