November 2–19, 2017

Revolutionary Rising: The Soviet Film Vanguard

Of all the arts, for us cinema is the most important.”


November marks the 100th anniversary of Russia’s October Revolution (November by the Gregorian calendar), an event that not only shock the world (to paraphrase John Reed) but revolutionized the world of cinema.

Lenin would famously declare that, Of all the arts, for us cinema is the most important.” For a time, through the 1920s and into the 1930s, a remarkable cinematic revolution flourished in the USSR, led by a visionary vanguard that included pioneers and innovators such as Vertov, Eisenstein, Dovzhenko, and Pudovkin. Individually and collectively, these artists and thinkers expanded the expressive possibilities of cinema and created some of the most extraordinary films ever made. They also, in their experiments with film editing, with montage, with the juxtaposition (or context) of images as the basis of cinematic meaning and communication, developed one of the paramount theoretical frameworks for understanding the art form and its language.

This creative explosion was both state sponsored and avant-garde. If it was undeniably intended to extol the virtues of the Revolution and advance the Soviet project, it was also, if not immune to official criticism or censorship, still relatively free of the creative shackles that would hamper (and imperil) artists after the early 1930s, under Stalin and the stricter enforcement of Socialist Realism, with its disdain for formalism,” as the approved Soviet aesthetic.

This 100th anniversary program—celebrating not Soviet communism but a historic period in Soviet and world cinema—does not neglect the canonical works, but is built around the rarer opportunity to view lesser-known but important titles that, in the aggregate, demonstrate the breadth of this influential and transformative cinematic movement.


Alla Verlotsky, Seagull Films, New York

List of Programmed Films

Date Film Title Director(s) Year Country
2017-Nov Battleship Potemkin Sergei Eisenstein 1925 USSR
2017-Nov The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks Lev Kuleshov 1924 USSR
2017-Nov Old and New Sergei Eisenstein . . . 1929 USSR
2017-Nov Salt for Svanetia Mikhail Kalatozov 1930 USSR
2017-Nov The Man with a Movie Camera Dziga Vertov 1929 USSR
2017-Nov Outskirts Boris Barnet 1933 USSR
2017-Nov Fragment of an Empire Friedrich Ermler 1929 USSR
2017-Nov Aelita, Queen of Mars Yakov Protazanov 1924 USSR
2017-Nov New Moscow Alexander Medvedkin 1938 USSR
2017-Nov A Sixth Part of the World Dziga Vertov 1926 USSR
2017-Nov The Tailor from Torzhok Yakov Protazanov 1925 USSR
2017-Nov Bed and Sofa Abram Room 1927 USSR