Frames of Mind
Screening Dates
  • January 18, 2023 7:00
Vancouver Premiere

Powerful, even devastating depiction of a generous, competent woman who has been ignored for too long. The leading actress is brilliant and so is the director.”

Amy Taubin, Artforum

A tour de force performance from celebrated Polish actress Dorota Pomykała as Mira anchors this heartbreaking film that asks (and answers) the question, What would compel an unassuming 60-ish wife and mother to rob a bank in broad daylight with a small kitchen knife?” Most of the film takes place in the aftermath of this unsurprisingly unsuccessful crime, as writer-director Anna Jadowska peels back the layers of Mira’s uneventful life to reveal a desolate woman who, having spent her whole life caring for others with little recognition and no gratitude, now finds herself adrift, invisible, and overlooked by both family and society. Following the robbery, Mira slides further into depression and attempts suicide. She is hospitalized and receives mostly indifferent mental health care. Her situation arouses the neighbours’ scorn, her husband’s shame and anger, and her adult son’s disinterest, but no one comes close to providing the authentic compassion and love she craves. In Polish with English subtitles.

Anna Jadowska’s latest film is a stark and compelling examination of twilight-year malaise and a societal attitude towards women that is fundamentally broken.” Laurence Boyce, Cineuropa

Post-screening discussion with Dr. Brian Worth, a Vancouver-based registered psychologist. Dr. Worth obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Detroit Mercy. His various clinical interests include work-related psychological injuries.

Moderated by Dr. Harry Karlinsky, Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia.


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