  • August 21, 2020 through September 3, 2020
Virtual Screening

One of the greatest animated features of all time.”

Fantastic Fest, Austin

One of the great psychedelic masterpieces of world animation, Son of the White Mare is a swirling, colour-mad maelstrom of mythic monsters and Scythian heroes, part Nibelungenlied, part Yellow Submarine, lit by jagged bolts of lightning and drenched in rivers of blue, red, gold, and green. A massive cosmic oak stands at the gates of the Underworld, holding 77 dragons in its roots; to combat these monsters, a dazzling white mare goddess gives birth to three heroes — Treeshaker and his brothers — who embark on an epic journey to save the universe. Directed by Hungarian animator Marcell Jankovics, famed for his 1974 Oscar-nominated short Sisyphus and 1977 Palme d’or-winning short The Struggle, Son of the White Mare has been restored in collaboration with the Hungarian National Film Institute using the original 35mm camera negative and sound elements. – Arbelos Films

To stream this film:
Click on the Stream” button above.
This will take you to Arbelos’s streaming platform, where you can watch the film.
Purchase a virtual ticket for $10 USD (you may need to create an account first).
Once a virtual ticket has been purchased, you have three days to watch the film.
If you are having technical issues with the stream, please contact info@​arbelosfilms.​com

This should-be classic, with its kaleidoscopic animation and vibrant mythos, is a unique contribution to the animated canon.”

Maya Phillips, New York Times

Jankovics’s unique and unmistakable visual style is informed here by folk-art motifs, jazzy geometry, rich pop psychedelia, and even the arcade-game zap so fresh on the scene in 1981.”

Fantasia 2019

May be the greatest psychedelic animated movie ever made.”

Eric Kohn, IndieWire