Film Club
Screening Dates
  • February 17, 2019 11:00

A fine movie … Neither Angus nor his dog is the true protagonist. Rather, the hero is their friendship.”

William F. Powers, Washington Post

Kids of all ages will be thrilled, chilled, and touched by this captivating boy-and-his-dog survival yarn, the final movie of award-winning Vancouver writer-director Phillip Borsos (The Grey Fox, Bethune, One Magic Christmas). The exciting tale concerns 14-year-old Angus (Jesse Bradford) and his new Golden Labrador, named Yellow, who find themselves lost in the B.C. wilderness after a boating accident. Stranded far from civilization, the two must rely on Angus’s wilderness survival skills and Yellow’s exceptional intelligence to find food, fend off bad weather, and deal with the hazards of the forest. Bruce Davison and Mimi Rogers play Angus’s anxious parents. Borsos’s lovingly crafted, beautifully filmed family adventure was shot on location on B.C.’s Gulf Islands.

preceded by

Canada 1979
Phillip Borsos
13 min. DCP

Ever wonder how nails are made? Okay, even if you haven’t, this early short by talented Vancouver filmmaker Phillip Borsos is a treat! A lively tribute to the lost art of traditional nail-making, Nails was nominated for an American Oscar and won a Canadian Genie.

Who’d have thought the subject could be so interesting, or so exciting photographically?” Los Angeles Times


February's Film Club screening is presented in conjunction with “The Image Before Us: A History of Film in British Columbia – Take 5.”

Upcoming in this Series

  • Promotion
  • Viktor Kubal: Inventor of Slovak Animation
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  • Film Club
  • Matrioska
  • Co Hoedeman × 5
  • 72
  • G
  • Film Club
  • Modern Times 1
  • Modern Times
  • USA1936
  • Charles Chaplin
  • 87 DCP
  • G
  • Film Club