Bergman 100
Screening Dates
  • July 8, 2018 5:00
  • July 9, 2018 8:30
  • July 10, 2018 7:00

Bergman’s psychosexual chamber drama, a nightmarish exploration of artistic responsibility (and humiliation), was originally made for Swedish television, then released theatrically with an ad campaign promising: A world event! A masterpiece that shocks!” Recalling earlier Bergman tours-de-force such as Sawdust and Tinsel, The Magician, and Hour of the Wolf, the provocative film has a trio of actors—husband (Gunnar Björnstrand), wife (Ingrid Thulin), and wife’s lover (Anders Ek)—called up before a magistrate (played by the appropriately named Erik Hell) on charges of obscenity. Their examination becomes a cruel, sadistic inquisition, and culminates in a chilling re-creation of The Rite,” their allegedly pornographic play. Watch for Bergman in a black-robed, Seventh Seal-like cameo. The rarest film from Bergman’s most innovative period, The Rite screens here in a 35mm print.