Bergman 100
Screening Dates
  • March 8, 2018 9:00
  • March 9, 2018 6:30
  • March 10, 2018 8:20

Exquisite … Boudoir farce becomes lyric poetry … A nearly perfect work.”

Pauline Kael

Bergman’s belated international breakthrough came with his sixteenth feature, a sophisticated comedy of sexual manners inspired by Mozart, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Renoir’s Rules of the Game. The film—Bergman’s finest comedy and among his best and most influential works—is set at a turn-of-the-century country estate, where eight men and women have been invited for a summer weekend. A riotous round of sexual intrigue and deception ensues, as couples variously pair off, break up, and exchange partners. The movie won a special prize for poetic humour” at Cannes, much to Bergman’s surprise. A Little Night Music, Steven Sondheim’s 1973 Tony-winning musical, was a Broadway adaptation. Bergman’s next feature was The Seventh Seal.

Wonderfully funny, genuinely erotic, and quite superbly acted.”

Tom Milne, Time Out