DIM Cinema
Screening Dates
  • April 3 (Wednesday) 7:00

Guest programmer Mena El Shazly presents six experimental video works made as part of a Cairo Video Festival production workshop led by writer and film director Ghassan Salhab (Phantom Beirut), whose films were the subject of a complete retrospective at Cinémathèque québécoise in 2018. The theme of the workshop was The Motion of the Image,” with each participating artist given the resources to discuss, develop, and produce a piece that responds to the questions of moving-image creation. What are the images that we produce, invoke, and watch—and that watch and monitor us? We are at once the creators, the producers, the actors, the extras, the witnesses, and the audience of this spectacle. What, then, is this movement of images that haunts the world and threatens it more than ever? How does the overproduction and consumption of images affect the way we see, hear, sense, and understand the world?

In Arabic, Armenian, and French with English subtitles

Advisory: Sphinx E‑400 contains images that may be disturbing to some viewers.

Egypt 2021
Sherouk Helal
12 min. DCP

Egypt 2021
Hossam Waleed
14 min. DCP

From the Work of the Devil
Egypt 2021
Dessil Mekhtigian
21 min. DCP

Sphinx E‑400
Egypt 2021
Helena Abdelnasser, Joseph Adel
5 min. DCP

A man-eater rests after feasting on its own flesh
Egypt 2021
Sama Waly
9 min. DCP

Three Disappearances and a Song
Egypt 2021
Nadia Ghanem
27 min. DCP


Mena El Shazly is a visual and video artist currently based in Vancouver and the artistic director of the Cairo Video Festival, a project of the artist collective Medrar for Contemporary Art.

Upcoming in this Series

  • Wanderer 3
  • The Wanderer
  • United Kingdom2012
  • Laure Prouvost
  • 73 DCP
  • NR
  • DIM Cinema