European Union Film Festival 2021

This moody drama of identity revolves around the troubled character of Luc, a divorced man and father of a seven-year-old girl. Luc is in the process of setting up his apartment so his daughter can live with him. On a whim, however, he suddenly decides to travel to faraway Svalbard, an archipelago near the North Pole, to rethink his life. After a drunken night, Luc stumbles upon Mike, a stranger who lives in an isolated cabin out in the Arctic desert. The two men start talking, but the enigmatic Mike leaves Luc in mid-conversation. Intrigued, Luc goes searching for him. Along the way, he meets Ingrid, a charming Norwegian teacher. After missing his flight home, Luc resolves to stay with Ingrid and to start a new life on the island. But he is haunted by the encounter with the elusive Mike. As the mystery deepens, Luc seems to be hunting a shadow, possibly his own.

To stream this film:
Click on the Stream” button above.
This will take you to the Festival website where you can watch the film.
Purchase a virtual ticket for $12 CAD (plus tax) or purchase a multi-film pass (details below).
Each film will be live” online for 48 hours. Once you start watching, you have 24 hours to finish the film.
If you are having technical issues with the stream, please click here.
You can also contact EUFF directly by emailing info@​euffonline.​ca or by phoning 1−888−717−1201 between 9 am and 9 pm EST.

This film is avail­able to stream in Cana­da only.

Five Film Bundle: $50 (plus tax)
Festival Pass: $100 (plus tax)


Cinematheque passes and Ticket Packs cannot be used for virtual screenings.