European Union Film Festival 2021

This highly entertaining, semi-satirical narrative feature revolves around a determined woman entrepreneur trying to make it in a male-dominated tech world, from Europe to Silicon Valley. Based on real-life stories of European start-ups, Chasing Unicorns follows Õie, a young bookkeeper from a small town, who by accident stumbles into the emerging tech scene of her home-country, Estonia. She is soon joined by serial failure Tõnu, who has gone bankrupt with each one of his companies but is nevertheless always trying again. Inspired by all the Musks, Bezoses, and Zuckerbergs of the world, and convinced they can make it big, too, the duo embarks on a bold (and just a wee bit quixotic?) journey to take on Silicon Valley.

To stream this film:
Click on the Stream” button above.
This will take you to the Festival website where you can watch the film.
Purchase a virtual ticket for $12 CAD (plus tax) or purchase a multi-film pass (details below).
Each film will be live” online for 48 hours. Once you start watching, you have 24 hours to finish the film.
If you are having technical issues with the stream, please click here.
You can also contact EUFF directly by emailing info@​euffonline.​ca or by phoning 1−888−717−1201 between 9 am and 9 pm EST.

This film is avail­able to stream in Cana­da only.

Five Film Bundle: $50 (plus tax)
Festival Pass: $100 (plus tax)


Cinematheque passes and Ticket Packs cannot be used for virtual screenings.