Film Noir 2018
Screening Dates
  • August 12, 2018 8:00
  • August 15, 2018 6:30
  • August 17, 2018 8:30

An engrossing and poignant nail-biter … Novak brings a sleek modernity to the noir vixen.”

Steve Eifert, Film Noir of the Week

You can have the money and me … just pull the trigger!” Fred MacMurray revisits Double Indemnity and Kim Novak (Vertigo) has her first credited role in this first-rate, finely-acted noir suspense drama, ably directed by Richard Quine. MacMurray is Paul Sheridan, a no-longer-young police detective investigating a bank heist in which a guard was killed. Kim Novak (here being groomed for Sex Goddess stardom) is Leona, beautiful blonde girlfriend of the robbery ringleader. Paul quickly becomes obsessed with the alluring dame, and is drawn into a dangerous scheme to win both her and the stolen loot. Screenwriter Roy Huggins later created The Fugitive and The Rockford Files, among other TV hits.